Experiencias Cuní - Javier Huecas /西班牙藝術家

The sculptor and painter Javier Huecas (Prat de Llobregat, 1958) tells us his experience with encaustic paintings Cuní. He studied Fine Arts in Seville, Barcelona and Almeria. This last city is where he has lived since 1984.
In these days of October and until next December a sculptural exhibition of Javier is exhibited in the Exhibition Hall of the Paraninfo of the University of Almería.



限量推出 - Tintoretto 義大利原裝筆刷

[ Cuni 水性蠟彩 - 台師大進修推廣課程!!! ]

Cuni 家族失傳的技法 - 模擬古羅馬時代壁畫之 Cuni 石膏板蠟彩畫